23 Метро 123

Warhammer: Карточки "Боевая магия: Демоны Хаоса (Battle Magic. Daemons of Chaos)

Warhammer: Карточки "Боевая магия: Демоны Хаоса (Battle Magic. Daemons of Chaos)
Наименование: Книги: Battle magic Demons
Производитель: Games Workshop
Наличие: Предзаказ
Возраст игроков
Количество игроков
Время игры
Снято с производства

This set contains the 21 spells from the Lores of Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh in Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos, including Signature Spells, as well as a special rule card. They are printed on individual cards as a handy reference for use in your games of Warhammer. You'll need a copy of Warhammer and Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos to use the contents of this set. 

Each full-colour card describes one spell, and all the information you need to use it on the battlefield, including spell type, casting value and range. Not only are the spell cards a great, tactile way of representing magic in your games but on a practical level they make selecting spells easy and speed up play in the heat of battle itself.

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