23 Метро 123

Warhammer: Zombies

Warhammer: Zombies
Наименование: Warhammer, Vampire
Производитель: Games Workshop
Наличие: Предзаказ
Возраст игроков
Количество игроков
Время игры
Снято с производства

Zombies are corpses brought back from the dead by foul necromancy. Whilst slow and clumsy individualy, their necromantic overlords drive them into battle in their thousands, hoping to exaust the armies of the enemy.

This boxed set contains 20 multi-part plastic Zombies, including options for a Standard Bearer and Musician.

With this box set you can make the following:


  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Zombies 4 1 0 3 3 1 1 1 2
Unit Size: 20+
Special Rules: Always Strikes Last; The Newly Dead; Undead
Интернет-магазин "Хитрый Ёж" - Настольные игры в Перми.
Метки: Warhammer, Vampire

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